Feb 14, 2005

Part 2:


Same remark for the other pause,between end of rise and beginning of fall.the extremes,as long as they last,are perfectly stable,which in the case of the temperature may seem strange,in the beginning.It is possible too,experience shows,for rise and fall to stop short at any point and mark a pause,more or less long,before resuming,or reversing,the rise now fall,the fall rise,theses in their turn to be completed,or to stop short and mark a pause,more or less long,before resuming, or again reversing,and so on,till finally one or the other extreme is reached. Such variations of rise and fall,combining in countless rhythms,commonly attend the passage from white and heat to black and cold,and vice versa.the extremes alone are stable as is stressed by the vibration to be observed when a pause occurs at some intermediate stage,no matter what its level and duration. Then all vibrates,ground,wall,vault,bodies,ashen or leaden or between the two,as may be. But on the whole,experience shows,such uncertain passage is not common. And most often,when the light begins to fail,and along with it the heat,the movement continues unbroken until,in the space of some twenty seconds,pitch black is reached and at the same instant say freezing-point. Same remark for the reverse movement,towards heat and whiteness. Next most frequent is the fall or rise with pauses of varying length in these feverish greys,without at any moment reversal of the movement. But whatever its uncertainties the return sooner or later to a temporary calm seems assured,for the moment,in the black dark or the great whiteness,with attendant temperature,world still proof against enduring tumult. Rediscovered miraculously after what absence in perfect voids it is no longer quite the same,from this point of view,but there is no other. Extremely all is as before and the sighting of the little fabric quite as much a matter of chance,its whiteness merging in the surrounding whiteness. But go in now briefer lulls and never twice the same storm…( to be continued )




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